What Music Artists Need To Know About Facebook Bs Video Views

Facebook launched their new video platform awhile ago and they been trying to compete with Youtube and become the #1 source for videos. I’ve noticed more and more music artist are starting to use Facebook to push their new music videos. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but here are some facts you need to consider before you start bragging about your Youtube views.
Unlike every other video platform online that makes a viewer watch your video for at least 30 secs to be considered a view. Facebook counts a view after someone watches your video for only 3 seconds lol. The slick part about it is that the sound doesn’t even have to be on so if your music video starts to auto play for 3 secs that’s considered a view which is some bullshit.Then they have the nerve to try to get you to pay to boost the post, so pretty much they are trying to get you to pay for more low quality views.
I’m not saying they views are shit, but 3 secs doesn’t mean someone really watched your video.Artist are to focused on views and likes,but when it comes to get making a music video go viral it’s all about your video being shared and user engagement now. Facebook has a video analytics feature (I attached an example below) that let’s you check your video stats to see how many people really engaged with your video and how long they watched it for.
Facebook’s whole goal is to get your views rolling in to get you excited about the fact you’re getting more views on Facebook then you ever did on Youtube so you’ll start using their video platform permanently to upload your videos so they can cash in on the video ads, and the fact that people are paying to boost their post. They know Youtube gets billions of views and they want in.lol .
If a music artist releases a video or actually anyone trying to promote something and they start to get views on their video and they tag the video with “this post is 50% more engaging than your other post, boost this post to 1,000 more people for $5” a percentage of music artist are going to do it hell even if only 3% do it there are millions of music videos online so they still make a big ass profit
Facebook’s Platform Ain’t Got Shit On Youtube
I can understand if your wanna those artist who just wants to be known then you will love using Facebook’s video platform and paying to boost your music video views so it’s looks like your video is blowing up,but the harsh reality is the music industry or Google doesn’t pay attention to Facebook views. When is the last time you heard of an artist being signed or discovered because of a Facebook video? Exactly you haven’t!
Facebook is hustling people for real! With Youtube you can monetize your videos you can’t do that with Facebook. Youtube views only get counted if a user watches your video for at least 30 secs which means the viewer is actually engage in the video not just scrolling past your video like Facebook.Your Youtube video can go Viral all over the world wide web and it can be posted on sites all over the internet on Facebook you can’t do that you can only share your video on Facebook and that’s pointless.
Remember Worldstar Hip Hop Will Pick Up Your Music Video If It Get’s 50,000 views and user engagement. I see tons of Facebook videos with 100,000 plus views and they never get picked up on any hip hop website and to go viral your video needs to shared all over the internet.
With Youtube you can sell your music right from your music video with Youtube’s new video cards on Facebook they don’t allow you to do that, and once again that doesn’t benefit you as an artist.
Every artist should study Kevin Gates he has this shit mastered.Everytime you watch one of his new music videos you will see a link pop up in the top right corner where you can click to purchase the song to the video instantly or pre order the album the song is going to be featured on.
Every music artist needs to utilize the video card tool on Youtube you can use it to sell music,merchandise, connect people to your website, and more.
How To Hustle Facebook Right Back And Get More Youtube Views
Instead of releasing your full music video on Facebook you should just upload 15 second trailer of your video or you could use your mixtape cover with a snippet of the song playing and in the video description link it to your full music video on Youtube. This way you maximize your views and you can monetize your videos still.
I’m not saying you should upload your music video to Youtube because it gets your brand and music exposure.I’m just saying the video views shouldn’t be taken at face value.
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